Sunday 7 December 2014

International companies and organizations are at the forefront of green technology and know how. State of Green is our gateway to clean environment solutions from green energy to clean water and resource efficiency.

The cheapest and most environment-friendly form of energy is the one not used. Still, it is an indisputable fact that global demand for energy will increase across all sectors and industries.
Residential and commercial buildings account for almost a third of the global energy consumption.
Intelligent energy is all about managing energy more efficiently than ever before. Demand for energy keeps growing worldwide, and the use of it must become more sustainable. At the same time there is a growing need for an expansion and modernization of the existing energy infrastructure.
The sun, wind, waves and geothermal heat are energy sources that will never run out. They are perpetual, or self-renewing. Used in a cost-efficient way, they can contribute to securing energy supplies and smooth the transition to a fossil-free economy.Until today, most of the world’s energy supply has come from scarce resources like coal, oil and gas. In a future low-carbon economy, bio energy can play a significant role and contribute substantially to the global energy supply.
No matter how old or how new your home is, chances are it is costing you money. That’s because the building industry is using the same techniques for energy systems that were created at a time when fuel was abundant and cheap. But now that fuel is costly, it’s time to take a look at a permanent way to save money on our utility bills.

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